- M.B.B.S – JANUARY 1996 – Seth G.S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai
- Diploma in Radiodiagnosis (D.M.R.D.) – July 1999
- Diplomate of National Board in Radiodiagnosis – MAY 2001 – National Board, New Delhi
- MMC Registration 083373 – 1996
I have been a fellow in Radiology at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital for a period of three weeks, commencing on 29th November 1999. This attachment was done under the supervision of Dr. David Ritchie, a consultant in Musculoskeletal Radiology. It comprised training in Ultrasound, CT & MRI related with Musculoskeletal Radiology. As an adjunct to this, I also attended bi-weekly sessions of Breast Assessment Clinics which involved Mammography and sono-mammography.
- Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Imaging
- CT Angiography (headneck/pulmonary/ hepatobiliary/ abdomen/ limbs)
- CT guided interventionprocedures
- Trucutbiopsies of lung, mediastinal lesions, abdomen and soft tissue tumors
- Bonebiopsies of musculoskeletal tumors/lesions
Over the years, I have developed the specialty of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. It is my dream to form a tertiary centrefor the referral of diagnosis of all Rheumatoid and related pathologies, where the patient can avail of holistic treatment when they arrive.
Publication/ Presentation
- Rectal Tuberculosis - An Unusual Presentation: Bombay Hospital Journal, January 1999
- Poster – Spectrum of USG Shoulder findings after trauma – USCON 2005, Pune
- Round cell tumor of the humerus – Regional Radiology Meeting, Mumbai, July 2000
- Carotico-cavernous fistulae: Diagnosis & management – Millenium Congress of Vascular & Interventional Radiology, New Delhi, December 2000
- Ultrasound diagnosis of Parathyroid Adenoma in a case of Primary hyperparathyroidism – Bombay Ultrasound Meeting, Mumbai, June 2001
- June 2008: Lecture on MSK USG at POS Meeting,Sinhagadh Institute Medical College, Pune
- 28th Feb. 2009: ULTRAFEST Mumbai IRIA Mumbai Chapter - Surgeons perspective of Musculoskeletal Imaging
- 12 July 2009: Lecture on shoulder USG at Shoulder symposium under POS at Sancheti Hospital with US Shoulder Surgeon, Dr.Ashfaque Hassan, from Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
- USG Guided Needling for Calcific Tendinopathy Shoulder, TRAC 2008 New Orleans, USA
- Live Clinico - USG correlation on shoulder diagnoses. Lecture on Shoulder USG applications. Nashik chapter of MSBRIA, Sep 2010
- Live Clinico - USG correlation on shoulder diagnoses. Conclave 2011, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune, Feb 2011
- Participated in Webinar showcasing shoulder pathologies with USG and MRI correlation - 27th January 2012, Mumbai
- Invited for Live Clinico-USG correlation on shoulder diagnoses - 4th Feb 2012, at Karnataka Orth
- Association Annual Conference, Belgaum, Karnataka
- Invited for Live USG on shoulder patients and alecture on USG shoulder- 18th Mar. 2012, at NKP Salve Medical College, Nagpur