What You Must Know If You’re Newly Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Health Must Reads
Multiple Sclerosis

Have you, or somebody close to you, been recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? If yes, take heart – millions of people are living active, happy and fulfilling lives even with MS, and you can too. MS is almost never fatal, and in almost all cases, one can expect to live to play with their grandkids. Here are some tips and suggestions that can make the journey easier and better.

First and foremost, stay strong and be positive.

Of course, this is easier said than done, especially when you’re dealing with an incurable condition and dreading the roller-coaster ride that MS is – good one day, not-so-great the next. However, try to take each day as it comes, and remember, there are thousands of people with Multiple Sclerosis who have gone on to achieve incredible things – they’ve run marathons, become professional dancers, won bodybuilding championships, etc. Plus, negative thoughts are not going to help in any way, so let’s throw that out of the window, along with the self-pity and fatalistic attitude.

Find a neurologist who specializes in Multiple Sclerosis.

This sounds like a no-brainer – but it’s a crucial step in your MS journey. Your MS doctor will be a big part of your life, so make sure you pick someone you trust and can talk to.

Remember KiP – Knowledge is Power.

While too much information can be overwhelming, it’s always a good idea to find out everything you can about your condition. Read books written on Multiple Sclerosis by other patients and doctors to get different perspectives. If you find yourself drowning in a sea of information, take a step back – slow down and read a little a day, or read only curated information referred by trusted sources. Also, reading from reputed (medical) sites can help you filter the necessary from the noise. Making notes and recording things of importance could also prove handy later.

Keep a log book of symptoms.

Note down any new (and recurring) symptom without fail. This can help you and your doctor measure your body’s response to the ongoing treatment and enhance it.

Check in at the closest Multiple Sclerosis community.

Bonding with others who are going through a similar experience, and can understand how you’re feeling, is invaluable for your mental and physical wellbeing. Find a Multiple Sclerosis support group near you as soon as possible –the information exchange that takes place in these groups can also prove to be extremely enriching.

Keep your life simple.

Stress, lack of sleep, can trigger MS episodes. Also, pushing yourself when you’re tired can compound MS-related tiredness – so take care. Be ambitious, set goals for yourself, but don’t be foolish. Keep your life as simple as possible, and avoid any tasks/responsibilities that bring with them an overdose of stress. Remember, sometimes saying ‘No’ is the wiser thing to do in this case.

Start treatment immediately.

Once you’ve received a definitive MS diagnosis, don’t beat around the bush or wait for symptoms to worsen – the earlier you begin your treatment course, the better your response to it and your capacity to manage the progression of the condition.

Create a strong support network.

Identify people who can support you through your journey and fulfil the different roles of caregiver, companion, motivator, etc. Enveloping yourself in the warmth and support of loved ones is the first step towards leading a happy, fulfilled life.

And finally, remember that MS is different for everyone.

Your journey is unique – the symptoms that another patient experiences may not fall to your lot at all – or a treatment that worked wonders for someone else may not cut the mustard for you. The key factor here is to not give up – keep looking for options – and you will find a treatment that works for you. Plus, research is churning out newer, more effective drugs as we speak, so take heart and look to the future with confidence.

About Star Imaging

Star Imaging is Pune’s leading diagnostic centre, specialized in diagnosing conditions like Multiple Sclerosis. We have the world’s most advanced technology, including 3T MRI scanners with ambient experience that minimize claustrophobia, 128 slice CT scanners, a 3D digital mammography machine, and more, along with 12 super-specialized radiologists. Star Imaging is also Pune’s leading Second Opinion clinic. For more information, feel free to reach out to us on 020 4132 2222 / 4122 2222.

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